Losing Control Over Depression? CBD Can Save You



Depression is an uprising health concern that has now become common among people. Earlier, people refrained from talking about depression. But, more and more people are opening up about their struggle with mental health conditions.

A mild case of depression may not affect your life adversely. You may continue with a routine while suffering from mild symptoms like irritability, sadness, fatigue, and anger. But, severe cases need immediate intervention as they start affecting your daily life and relationships.

Your mental health can worsen, making you frequently think about death or suicide. Such severe cases of depression can paralyze your life. You find it difficult to carry on with living your life. Seeking medical assistance is necessary to manage the problem. Many people stray from conventional therapies and may opt for natural remedies like CBD to alleviate depression. The potential mental health uses of cannabidiol or CBD have increased in the past few years. Read ahead to know how CBD can save your severe depression.


Symptoms of Severe Depression

Before going into how you can prevent losing control over depression, know when to take action. Here are some of the symptoms indicating the need to intervene-

  • Irritability
  • Excessive sleepiness or insomnia
  • Loss of interest in activities
  • Feeling of hopelessness
  • Frequent thoughts of impending doom
  • Thoughts of suicide or death
  • Experience psychotic symptoms like delusions or hallucinations
  • Trouble taking care of yourself (difficulty bathing, eating, or fulfill other responsibilities)

If you struggle with the symptoms, see a doctor, and get the necessary treatment. You may also try alternative methods like CBD to manage mental health problems.

About CBD

CBD or cannabidiol refers to the natural compound you can find in the cannabis plant. Cannabis plants are commonly known as marijuana or hemp, depending on the THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) levels. THC compound makes you feel “high.”. THC-free CBD does not trigger psychoactive effects like marijuana. CBD derived from hemp or marijuana plants will help you get the desired results without any side-effects.

New studies indicate the potential physical and mental health benefits of CBD. You have different products available on the market. So, using trusted Sunday Scaries CBD gummies, shrooms or other CBD products can help you manage the symptoms of depression.

Read more: Why You Should Avoid Cannabis Edibles on an Empty Stomach

How CBD Helps Prevent Losing Control?

Anecdotal research around CBD shows that CBD is highly therapeutic. Multiple studies shed light on the efficacy of CBD on both animals and humans. Some of them indicate the potential use of CBD to manage physical and mental problems. While researches are still at a nascent stage, people use it to deal with conditions such as:

  • Cognitive impairment
  • Anxiety
  • Nervousness or discomfort before public speaking

CBD is also useful in managing other conditions related to depression (For example, chronic pain, and insomnia).

Evidence Indicating The Effectiveness Of CBD To Treat Depression

Source: Pixels

Experts believe CBD products can manage depression due to their positive effects on your brain. It has a positive impact on serotonin receptors. Studies link depression to low serotonin levels. While CBD products may not boost the serotonin levels, it can change the response of receptors present in your system. According to an animal study, CBD can modulate the cannabinoid receptors in our ECS system to achieve anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects. Recent studies also indicate the effectiveness of CBD in relieving stress. So, it can lower the chances of suffering from depression caused due to stress.

Why Is CBD More Effective Than Antidepressant Medications

The conventional treatment for depression includes prescribing antidepressant medications. Some people see results, while others wait patiently for a long time and see no change in their condition. Therefore, many people are now turning to CBD, which offers relief from the symptoms. It mimics the effects of antidepressants with fewer side effects. It may avoid the following side-effects that are common when you use antidepressants-

  • Mood swings
  • Insomnia
  • Agitation
  • Sexual dysfunction

How To Use CBD?

You have CBD products available in different forms. Depending on your preference, you may pick from the following formulations.

Oral CBD

You can take it orally or mix it with other preparations like coffee or smoothies. You have the oral CBD in the following form.

  • Tincture
  • Capsules
  • Oils
  • Sprays

Edible CBD

CBD infused edibles like gummies and drinks are available in the market.


You can vape CBD vaping oil to ingest the compounds swiftly.

CBD Topical

Source: Pixels

Applying CBD-infused lotions, creams, and other products directly on your skin can offer relief from physical problems like pain. But, the option may not be efficient for mental health problems.

How To Get Positive Results After Using CBD?

To get maximum positive results, you need to buy high-quality CBD products. Only a reputable seller can offer you such premium quality products. Several online platforms offer CBD products. But, choosing a reputed one makes all the difference. Remember these tips while purchasing CBD products.

  • Choose a trustworthy brand with a good reputation for offering high-quality CBD products to its customers.
  • Check if the brand/company performs third-party lab testing to determine the quality of their products.


CBD has become popular in offering relief from mental issues, including depression. But, before using the products, talk to your healthcare provider. Many studies indicate the positive results of CBD. While it is safe, CBD can interact with medication or supplements you take for other health conditions. Therefore, consulting your healthcare provider helps you make the right decision. Reviewing the medications and supplements you take will prevent any complications after you begin using CBD.

Read more: Ways to Overcome Depression using Cannabis

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