
Features That Any SCORM Compliant Tool Must Have



Every trainer has a different and unique way of delivering training. In the traditional method of classroom training, the examples, contexts, etc. are individualistic to every trainer. However, in the era of e-learning, where the trainer’s role has changed from providing lectures to curating the content that can be rolled out for self-paced study. It becomes necessary to standardize some of the criteria of creating the content such that it fits well with any kind of e-learning software.

SCORM, which stands for Shareable Content Object Reference Model, defines the set of technical standards for e-learning software products. The robust authoring tool enables you to monitor and measure the efficiency and effectiveness of the training program. iSpring Suite features that will provide complete control on your training, its progress, engagement level, etc. These are the basic features that a good course curriculum must have. 

Let us understand! Some of the features that a SCORM compliant authoring tool will provide are:


Track Learner’s Participation:

In the traditional classroom training setup, the instructor gets to know about the physical presence of the students. This was the only way to know that the learner is participating in the training. However, you cannot know if the learner is actively present in the training. 

The e-learning training provides the leverage of accessing and learning the content at their own convenience. Then how do you get to know that the learner is actively participating in the training program and learning the required skill? An answer is an authoring tool. It not only provides compatibility but provides you elaborate data that will explain the effectiveness of the program. 

Knowing Your Learner:

Is knowing that the customer is actively pursuing the course enough? What more do you want? The SCORM compliant authoring tool can dive deeper into the data to help you understand the strength and weaknesses of your learner and the modules that need revision. The reports fetched by exporting the data to the SCORM format will help you check your learners at every step of the training curriculum. Which was the module that the learners could solve very easily or the ones that most of your learners faced issues with and did not score well. If they are reaching and achieving the objectives and sub-objectives or not. 

Opportunity To Improve Your Content:

You would have researched enough reasons to understand why the learners drop the training mid-way or lose interest. With a lack of human interaction, it becomes difficult to ensure that the learner stays engaged and enjoys the course while learning the required skills. With the help of data derived from the authoring tool, it helps the course curator understand the tools that keep them engaged and communicate the required learning in a fun way. This will help you to set up the kind of content that works the best for your learner. With the right tools, you can enhance the level of your training content to a different level altogether.

Exploit Your LMS:

The whole purpose of a good authoring tool is to enable you to produce learning content. The only restriction is that it is not an effective content delivery tool for which you often need the support of a robust learning management system. The SCORM compliant authoring tool from iSpringsuite will take up the features of LMS. With this robust combination that complements each other, you can access the data to a great extent that will empower you to deliver an effective, engaging, and impressive course. You get access to accurate data like the number of users, scores of the learners, participation and completion levels of the learners, etc. 


The features mentioned above will surely provide you confidence in investing in a robust authoring that will help you in excelling the training objectives. The return on investment will also be measurable through the tool.

Read more: Best 10 Last-Mile Delivery Software in 2021

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