
Salesforce DevOps and the Limitations of Changesets



Salesforce DevOps refers to the software engineering practice to unify two different developers, teams, or administrators. These professionals are integral to the software development process as they manage different tasks. So, it is obvious that the unification of these teams is integral for the benefits of the business.

This unification needs to be done properly to align the DevOps practices to the business objective. If they are not practiced correctly, the whole process of DevOps will go haywire, which will spell doom for the company. It will lead to the loss of time and result in the loss of money as well. Moreover, clients of the business will not be happy when there are delays in software deployment and release.


The challenges of changesets in Salesforce

Changesets refer to one of the tools in the Salesforce platform that allows developers to make changes to the configuration and metadata between environments. However, when it comes to making seamless changes, there are some limitations that these developers face, and this is why they must rely on Salesforce deployment tools to help them. Before going into these tools for deployment, you need to understand what these limitations are.

Understanding the limitations will help you elect the best one. You must know specific requirements to select the best. If you know the limitations it can help you organize and streamline your things accordingly.

Major limitations faced by developers in Salesforce Changesets

When it comes to the Salesforce platform, migration of metadata and changes to the configuration between environments is critical for the administrator and developer. During the software development cycle, developers need to migrate changes multiple times to keep the organizations in sync with one another or move these changes from the development organizations to production.

Changesets are among the major tools that Salesforce offers its administrators and developers for migration and deployment tasks. For any enterprise application system like Salesforce, partners, customers, and the development community members need to rely on an extensive enterprise-grade group of tools for delivering innovation for releases quickly and successfully. However, before going into these tools, you should note the following limitations that changesets under Salesforce pose to developers-

  1. They cannot deploy every metadata component in a single attempt. For instance, if they are deploying custom settings and a page for Visualforce that leverages these settings, they cannot do it in one shot. Instead, they should first deploy the custom setting and later make a Changeset for deploying the page for Visualforce.
  2. The code that merges from multiple organizations to a single unit for deployment cannot be carried out with Salesforce changesets. Salesforce, on the other hand, recommends that every developer should work in their developer environment.
  3. The developer needs to make changes again and again with Salesforce. For instance, if a developer has to deploy a code from Dev to QA to the UAT organizations, he needs to create changesets twice for moving across these two environments.
  4. You have no way to deploy components that are successful and ignore the ones that have failed. Therefore, the changesets under Salesforce either deploy all of these components or rollbacks them if they fail.
  5. You cannot integrate changesets on Salesforce with any system for version control.
  6. They cannot stop the code from being overwritten. This is due to the components of metadata are not versioned. Developers generally overwrite these changes. For instance, a developer can deploy the most recent version of any component. However, later another developer working on the project can re-deploy the older version of the component that has not been changed.

Deployment under Salesforce

Note that deployment takes a lot of time when you are using the Salesforce platform, and in some instances, it can last forever. This is a hindrance for developers as most of the time, those working on the Salesforce platform are not experts in release management. It is obvious that as software application developers, they want to focus on development. The last thing they want to be worried about is the time they spend on tests and concerns about software deployments that they have failed to develop.

This is where they need to depend upon salesforce DevOps tools that are robust when releasing management. This tool will ensure that much of their burdens are mitigated and lifted. They can alleviate the stress they have with deployment can reduce the release cycle of the software. They can also make improvements to the development process, which they actually love and look forward to.

In the post-pandemic era, most companies are ranking business and IT alignments as their topmost priorities. However, they do not recognize the important need to have a single app to get the solutions they want for release management. This also empowers smaller developer teams under Salesforce to enjoy improved collaboration, save more time, and adapt to solutions for the current dynamic landscape.

One-stop solution for corporations

Many large corporations use multiple tools like Jenkins, Git, and other tools for testing; however, they do not work well for Salesforce primarily because their environment is not the same. Therefore, these companies need to complete native version control and release management solutions for the Salesforce platform to meet their unique needs instinctively. This becomes critical, and with such a tool, they can effectively merge changesets and carry out continuous deployments, version control, and other important tasks for the business.

For instance, Flosum has a solid partnership with Salesforce, and it is aligned with its product strategy and DX. It has a very effective release strategy along with a go-to-market alignment. A good Salesforce deployment solution will reduce the time for release management and save many costs in the long run. Developers are happy as the deployment process becomes streamlined, and they no longer have to struggle with the cumbersome process of tackling changeset limitations. Deployments can be tough, but when there is a tool that automates them, all the critical processes can be integrated seamlessly.

Read more: Best 10 Last-Mile Delivery Software in 2021

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