
Students’ opinion on Permanent Online Education System



Where most of the people’s behavior is settling down to normal, as people are learning to live with COVID-19, this disruption has given educators time to rethink the sector. Although the pandemic has impacted almost every industry and the future of most of the students is at stake, changes in teaching patterns with technology breaches will play a key role in educating future generations.

Pandemic has changed everyone’s life most unexpectedly, about no one was ever prepared. In the educational sector, online learning has been skyrocketing. Almost every school and institute are closed to limit the spread of Covid-19.


How online learning has become more prominent during this COVID

The pandemic has forced educational sectors to the fraternity in innovative ways by adopting and using the latest technologies. It has also catalyzed schools to teach in a way no one has imagined before. As per a survey, 48% of students agreed to continue the current curriculum activities and should start using online education portals instead of course books. However, the rest does not agree that online education portals can be a substitute for schools. 53% accepted that online educational portals could not take teachers’ place, where 45% agree that online education systems and contents can replace course books in schools.

First, let’s have a look at the advantages of online classes and how it can help students in achieving their educational goals:

  • Flexibility in Scheduling: For most of the learners, scheduling their time according to their preference is a major benefit of the online classes. Some online programs concede degree- and certificate-seekers to start a course immediately. They have the flexibility to choose between the traditional way of teaching or can accelerate their online short course. Most of the online courses are running asynchronously to give maximum scheduling flexibility; some still need to meet times according to the professors.
  • Comfortable learning environment: With an ability to learn anywhere anytime, students can learn in the environment that best suits them. However, students are recommended to choose a place that offers a reliable internet connection and few distractions.
  • Reduce cost: Although maybe online learners have to pay the same tuition rate as on-campus degrees, they do not need to pay hostel and meal fees. Plus, it also saves plenty of time by eliminating a commute.
  • Geographical flexibility: One of the best advantages of online learning involves prospective students’ geographic location. Nowadays, almost every top universities and colleges provide online learning options, which means students do not need to relocate for attending a premier school, they can pursue their course from their current location.

So, what effects on this global pandemic mean for the future of education and how it will change the education pattern once it gets over?

Implementation of innovative methods

Besides the disruption, the education sector is facing significant changes during this novel coronavirus. New innovative methods of teaching are taking place as no one ever imagined before. Though despite the rapid growth in new technology and innovations, we need to learn to shift how new methods can impart education.

Learning is the acquisition of knowledge, and it does not always need to be done in the age-old method. With the implementation of the latest technology, strategies such as integrated learning and experiential learning will be the future of education.

Mixed learning will become a reality.

The online coursebook supplements the way classrooms, it seems like in coming future students are not required to attend physical class always. They can attend classes for a few days and can learn at their own pace too. It will allow them adequate time to assimilate information.

The focus will shift to more significant issues.

Now, by looking at the current situation, no one can ask students to compromise their physical, emotional, and mental health by going back to everyday life. In the future may, the world needs a different focus as it does today. Post-COVID- 19, the education seems ready to embrace and articulate a greater emphasis on issues that compromise our health, society, life and earth and very likely seem to adopt approaches that were sought in it.

Alliance with technologies

In this challenging situation, technologies have emerged as a significant lifesaver. When most students are stuck at their home, technology has become a driving force that is maintaining connections. In the education system, connection and content delivery are essential. It has been predicted that post-COVID education is going to be more flexible and accessible. It is abandoning its over-reliance on rigid structures that we currently consider as a necessity. The new generation is tech-driven, and now education cannot find a room without utilizing the technologies. It is the best platform to empower learning and integrating technology.

The method of teacher training will change.

Now all the schools and universities are focused on cross-train teachers for online teaching as well. They are making sure that teachers are comfortable with technology and can seamlessly switch to an online teaching curriculum. On top of anything, teachers need to feel empowered in delivering impactful lectures online. These practices will make them ready for the future prospect as well.

People-driven learning

Conceivably technology’s most impact will be the evolution of “personalized learning.” Even after the post-pandemic, this is not going to change. Students will enjoy individual attention from teachers for accessing their real-time progress. Knowing about each student as what problem they are facing and going through, allows teachers to support kids holistically. As an example, if a student needs any thesis help, utilizing online help, a teacher can guide him/her accordingly and can easily evaluate the paper as well.

Will redefine the teacher’s role.

With the information availability just by a click, the teacher’s role and responsibilities will change. From a knowledge-giver to a facilitator, teachers may seem like a developer of learners and will help them in a life long learning.

However, some teachers might struggle with this cultural shift; they can be trapped inside the mindset to know everything related to the subject and may not easily adopt the latest changes.

Moreover, in the future teachers may not require designing the content component of the subject, and students can find and create themself their meaning around that content.

Social and emotional well-being

With a good initiative, personalized learning will not any more only going to focus on academic progress. This holistic approach will change the whole way of traditional teaching. It also drives teachers and students to change their behavior concerned with the factors that affect social and emotional well-being. Teachers can ensure students and their parents feel safe, inspired, and able to learn in a new way which previously was not possible.

New learning tools have enabled teachers to fulfill the needs of individual students without any intervention of others—virtual teaching turning up to the brightness of the screen without bothering other teachers. Smart technology supports and empowers education.

Where parents are still in fear and do not want to send their children to school even after the lockdown is over, considering the vulnerability and sensitivity of young children to the COVID-19 pandemic, changes in education methods have become vital.

With the changing pattern and behavior of study, teachers need to be an expert in acknowledging and demonstrating the practices of mind that require excellent knowledge. However, adopting all the new innovative methods will be crucial for the teacher and students. They may feel unprecedented levels of anxiety as they cannot get enough time to hang out with friends and classmates they usually used to do.

Although online courses have the same academic requirements, students may feel less challenged and stressed. And more importantly, most of the students accepted that online classes have changed the way of learning and is leveraging a lot of opportunities of which they were never aware earlier.

However, it is the responsibility of teachers and parents to equip them with appropriate coping technologies and help students to build and establish their connections with supportive learning modules.

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