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Emerging Trends in Information Technology for the Year 2020-2021



Trends in Information Technology

Information technology is the backbone of today’s superlative advanced computer systems and beautifully influences our lies directly and indirectly. We have tremendously revolutionized technology in just a span of 20 years. IT is growing just like the rest of us, the only difference is that it becoming smarter, more reliable, and more mandatory in our lives as its aging. We will be stating some of the most noticeable emerging trends of information technology in the year 2020-2021.

The Emerging Trends

The following are some major emerging trends that are very likely to be a subject of next-level innovation and will be interconnected with one another.

1. Artificial Intelligence(AI)

Artificial intelligence has been evolving with speed for the past decade. It has been implemented in multiple things and has also opened the doors for new possibilities of leading a more convenient life amidst advanced technological advancements. By 2030, there would be around 70 million IT jobs around globally as it’ll continue to influence us personally and professionally. Some of the best emerging AI trends are AI customer response service, machine learning, and AI-powered home electronics. According to Finances Online, 77% of consumers are already directly or indirectly involved with AI-related products. Students will be able to receive more positive results from agencies by their data instead of writing “write my dissertation” and get instant information.

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2. Internet of Things (IoT)

The internet of things or IoT is another rapidly increasing IT trend around the globe. According to the experts, an average person today has 4 IoT devices connected and this number could be doubled in the coming 9 to 10 years. Smart tech gadgets and security purpose devices are drastically changing the habits of human beings while departments such as waste and traffic management, and water boards are commercializing the IoT usage to more massive grounds. The current IoT industry is about a whopping $150 million worth.

3. Cloud Computing Substitutes

Cloud computing is something a plethora of companies are already dependent upon due to its low cost and convenience. But with rising obstacles such as dependence upon the internet speed and major security issues, the cloud computing is facing its substitutes which are gradually emerging in the market. Some of the alternatives such as fog computing and Edge computing are making a name for themselves in the market are soon to become the norm. Another concept by the famous tech revolutionary Tim Berners Lee Solid project is in the pipeline.

4. The Concept of Virtual Reality (VR)

The concept and advancement in VR are advancing towards a new level of training and development. Previously, the E-sports industry was reaping the benefits, but now the education depart of developed countries is adopting its method. The learning and development sector can benefit by conducting sessions remotely and offering a one-to-one interaction experience to the candidates.  Developed countries are adapting to the methods of VR as well in their advanced military training.

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5. The Blockchain

Another disruptive wave of revolution is in the blockchain, this is arguable the latest and the youngest concept of information technology and most likely to be innovated in the nearing years. The biggest purpose of blockchain is of security. Although global banking has endorsed the idea of implanting blockchain technology, there still needs to be some form of improvement which will result in the ultimate advance blockchain resulting in the perfect solution for concerns of data safety.

6. Cybersecurity

A massively growing concern for the past 2 decades for cyber-security. The concern for it does not seem to stop as it will continue being one for the top priorities for business along with innovation and advancement.  However, information technology professionals have been focusing on threats, malware, and other data breaches. They are coming up with disruptive ideas in creating security walls and decreasing the amount of time consumed to detect and identify a breach of any type. Blockchain is also one of the products of cybersecurity and is highly promising.

7. 5G internet Networks

In a world where mobile internet is gaining momentum at a fast pace, 5G networks are a real game-changer. The benefits of 5G mobile networks are endless. By being backed by an overwhelming speed of internet, the 5G internet can facilitate tremendously in the IoT devices and can create an exceptionally well response system. This could also be of amazing assistance with the AI devices. In fact, the whole sector of information technology can be transformed by turning the most efficient. When speaking commercially, the processing speed can be a real help in conducting operations and carrying out heavy tasks.

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8. Augmented Reality

Not to be misunderstood with virtual reality although they have many similar characteristics. augmented reality has been majorly used in imagery and display technology in order to deliver a real life-like user experience. Some of the recent examples of augmented reality implementation are in the games such as Pokémon Go and social media applications such as Snapchat. Other social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram are also using the augmented reality feature in their story modes.

9. Chatbots Usage

Widely regarded as the future of customer service and support, chatbots are becoming more human in nature and are now aiming more towards stimulating conversations. E-commerce sites and other brands can boost customer engagement by using highly advanced chatbots. Artificial intelligence has principally to do with this as these chatbots are now observing the behavior more critically and are expected to turn the tables for each and every brand struggling to make a prominent digital presence.

Information technology is Consistently Changing

Its doe not matter to which level the information technology advances, it will still be striving towards more improvement. The above-mentioned aspects of IT are most likely to witness a drastic wave of evolution as human beings continue to exploit technology.

Read more: Information Guide: Cloud Computing vs. Traditional Computing

Shabbir Ahmad is a highly accomplished and renowned professional blogger, writer, and SEO expert who has made a name for himself in the digital marketing industry. He has been offering clients from all over the world exceptional services as the founder of Dive in SEO for more than five years.

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