
Why Does Jesus Speak in Parables?



One of the most typically occurring questions from readers of the Bible’s New Testament is about why Jesus often speaks in parables in the Gospels? Readers are quite surprised by the fact that the parables bring a sense of mystery to the overall message Jesus is trying to teach. However, other parables are more easily learned than others do.

Then, why does Jesus nearly speak in parables for longer periods of His ministry?

It appears that Jesus is extending the minds of His listeners. Parables are intended to extend earthly thoughts towards heavenly truths. In every story, a spiritual truth that’s unknown to the hearers is revealed by making a comparison to something that’s known well.

Throughout the Gospels, Jesus utilizes farming analogies, as those would be well comprehended by the people of the day. However, the Kingdom of God is not easily understood. That’s why Jesus takes time to make sure that the disciples are following along with what He utters.

After delivering the parable about the sower in Matthew 13:1-23, the disciples ask Him what it implies. Jesus then explains to them how they can understand it. Also, in that explanation, He shows them how to understand the rest of the parables, telling them how to listen and things to look for as He says the mysteries of the Kingdom.

What does Jesus want?

Clarity was not the goal of Jesus in His use of parables. Instead, his goal was not to gain as many followers as possible with His charm, eloquent rhetoric, or clear and concise storytelling. If that were His true intention, His earthly teaching ministry would have been thought a failure.

If even the most ardent followers of Jesus can’t decipher t4he meanings of the parables without a clear explanation, what hopes do the common crowds have? On top of that, Jesus explains the parable’s meaning to those who are closest to Him.

To the audiences, they are there to hear if they have ears. However, the disciples could go to the Lord after Jesus withdrew from the audience and ask Him to show him how to decode it.

It then becomes clearer eventually that the discipline of the twelve is the main teaching mission of Jesus. To them, He is presenting the full picture of who He really is. What He has come to do, and the things they should do in response.

He comes to the world to perish for the immoralities of the earth and speaks to mobs numbering in the thousands. Yet, it’s the twelve disciples who are arranged the time to understand the true meaning of the message.

For many listeners today, it’s vital to remember a trait in the disciples that is worth modeling ourselves. When the disciples fail to recognize something Jesus has taught them, they are not hesitant to ask Him questions.

Even after Jesus exposed the meaning of the parable of the sower, His disciples still have a hard time hearing and seeing what Jesus expects them to grasp from His other parables, especially the parable of the weeds. Thus, they ask for another explanation. Ever patient with them, Jesus explains that parable as well.

True disciples don’t just accept the message without understanding. Understanding the mysteries of the Kingdom needs more than passive acceptance. Disciples aim to know the depth of the knowledge Christ has shown. They also aim to discern the definition behind the mysteries and their place within His Kingdom. They also seek, expecting that they will find (Matthew 7:7).

So, why did Jesus speak in parables?

The plain answer as to why Christ spoke to His disciples is that they had ears to hear and had eyes to see. In short, God intentionally conceals the deepest parts of His teachings about the Kingdom in parables from people who were smart in their eyes.

However, He also showed them plainly to the lowly and humble disciples who forsook all the follow Him as Savior and Lord.

The mystery of the Kingdom of God was presented plainly to the disciples of Christ—also known as Apostles—but we should be grounded and rooted in the Apostolic doctrine to fully find the mystery.

The statement of Jesus only suggests that those who receive and accept Him will be given more. Those who reject Him will be provided less. They had rejected Him after all. Thus, the explanation of the parables won’t be exposed.

According to Luke 8:10, God the Father had finally judged them. They had completely rejected Christ, and so God the Fathered sealed their decision.

Just imagine, only one out of the four soil types believed after hearing God’s words. Persecution, worries, wealth, doubt, trials, and pseudo-science reveal that a person doesn’t believe in God. Most will hear, but only a few will understand and obtain eternal life.

So, do you have the spiritual heart and spiritual ears that understand? Go here to see the full list of parables in the bible:

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