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Milialar – What Is Milia, Its Causes & More




Have you ever noticed a white skin cyst on anyone’s face? What is this disease, and what are the reasons behind the formation of these tiny white bumps? This is an obvious question that comes to mind. Thus, we are here to provide you with a detailed guide in dealing with the causes, symptoms, and treatment of this disease called Milia. So let’s explore with us what is Milia? and other related details.

What Is Milia?

Milia or Milium is a skin disease in which we experience small white bumps or small white filled pockets under the skin. In Milia, a person mostly found small white warts on nose, cheeks, chin, forehead, and eyelids in a cluster or group of 1-2 mm in diameter. Milia are known as milk spots, and this problem is common in men and women.

Although this disease is common in adults, teenagers, and kids,but this disease is widespread in newborns in the USA, too, and out of 100 newborns, 40-50 babies are born with this skin problem.

Types Of Milia

We read about different types of Milia, so first look at all these types before proceeding further.

Neonatal Milia

This type of Milia is widespread in newborns and may affect 40-50 percent of newborns. This type of Milia is commonly known as baby acne. Neonatal Milia is mostly found in groups, but when we talk about lesions, they can vary from few to numerous. It is mainly found near the nose, cheeks, chin, inner cheeks, roof of the mouth, and the underside tongue. It often causes pain or irritation in newborns. So, newborns do not need treatment; it vanishes within a few weeks after birth.

Neonatal Milia

Image Source: HealthDirect

Primary Milia

This type of Milia mostly hits children and adults with the same cluster formation habit. The common hit points of primary Milia are cheeks, forehead, and nasal crease, and it takes a few weeks or months to disappear from this region. Still, if this type of Milia hits the genitalia or the reproductive organ, it will take too long to disappear.

Primary Milia

Image Source: Healthline

Juvenile Milia

Juvenile Milia is the type of Milia that is inherited from parents, or it may be because of a genetic disorder. This type of Milia can hit a person badly, and it is harmful to a person. It may appear from birth, or it may occur anytime in life. A person with Juvenile Milia can face many abnormalities like very thick nails, abnormal nail shape, hair growth problems, sweating, etc. The treatment of this type of Milia needs time and consistency.

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Secondary Milia

Secondary Milia is the type of Milia that appears right after any skin damage. This damage, possibly caused by burns, rashes, infections, and sunburns, can lead to secondary Milia. Anyone can be hit by it, but it often hits people more exposed to skin creams and ointments.

Secondary Milia 

Image Source: Health Jade

Milia en plaque

This type of Milia mainly refers to an autoimmune skin disorder; this type is a bit irritating as a person may feel itching and pain in Milia en plaque cysts. Often, this type hits pregnant or middle age women. Like other types, Milia en plaque grows in cluster form, but the diameter of this type is much bigger than that of other types. Milia en plaque’s most common affected areas are the eyelids, jaws, cheek, and upper abdomen. Proper treatment is required for Milia’s en plaque.

Milia en plaque

Image Source: eScholarship

Common Symptoms of Milia

  • White and sometimes light yellow bumps on the skin
  • Bumps or spots are in cluster or group form.
  • Cluster bumps on raised skin part
  • Bumps are often non-itchy and painless.
  • Some types Of Milia cause painful and irritating bumps.
  • Nylon clothing or rough bedsheets change the color of milky spots to red.
  • The most common hit areas of Milia are cheeks, lips, chin, eyelids,
  • Less common areas of Milia are the genitalia, inside the mouth, and on the gums.

Causes Of Milia Formation

Although Milia is harmless and does not cause significant pain or discomfort, this condition mostly disappears within a few weeks. However, the commonly known causes are:

  • Cluster formation of the protein keratin
  • Trapping the sweat
  • The dead skin cells are near or under the skin.
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Although the reason for these clusters and trapping is unknown, it is assumed that it may be because of using some specific type of skin products or a particular type of lifestyle.

But what are the causes of Milia in newborns? It is an obvious question that comes to mind after reading the above statement. As per sources, the cause of Milia in newborns is blocking the sweat gland or due to triggered hormones from the mother. Anyhow, this blockage and hormonal disorder leads to the formation of a white skin cyst on the face, body, and inside the mouth.

The additional causes of Milia, known to date, are sunburns or blistering skin, consistent use of skin creams, long-term use of steroids, inappropriate laser or skin treatment, and the result of aging.

Treatment Of Milia

As we explained earlier, Milia doesn’t need any treatment in most cases. But if it is required, Cryotherapy, deroofing, chemical peel, laser treatment, and diathermy are used to treat Milia.

In Cryotherapy, liquid nitrogen is used to freeze the effects of milia. This method is one of the most efficient Milia removal methods.

While in deroofing, a small needle is inserted in the cyst to remove the cysts’ content. This method is painful but can work efficiently.

In addition, in the chemical peel method, the upper layer of skin is peeled off chemically to get new, fresh skin. This method removes all the milk spots along with the skin. So it may be another choice.

Therefore, laser beams are used in laser treatment to remove the cysts from the skin. This is a less painful but expensive method. Thus, it is up to you to choose any method after consulting the doctors.

Treatment Of Milia 

Image Source: Pure Synergie

Prevention Of Milia

Is the prevention from Milia possible? An additional question hit the minds. Thus, we can’t prevent genetic disorders, but we can cure others. So, what will our line of action for that be? Is that the real quest

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Avoiding sunburns using high-quality skin protection lotion and cream can prevent you from Milia. Moisturizing can save your skin from hardening and make it flexible. This flexibility prevents skin from Milia.

Avoid creams that are thick and clog the pores of the skin. The types of creams can cause Milia and whiteheads. So, by preventing these creams, you can save from Milia.

Cleanliness of the skin is vital in all conditions. Avoiding dirt, sweat, or roughness on your skin for a long time may prevent you from Milia.

Milia Vs. White Heads

Most of the people mingle the Milia with white heads. Are these the same skin problems with the same treatment needed? No, these are different skin diseases with different treatment options. So look at Milia vs. Whiteheads, which often confuses people because of the same appearance.

Whiteheads are little white bumps that look the same as Milia. Whiteheads form due to the trapping of dead cells, bacteria, and oil in skin pores. On the contrary, Milia is formed due to the trap of sweat or protein under the skin.

Whiteheads hit the skin deeper, their roots lodged deep inside the skin, while Malia has no roots or evidence of lodging in deeper skin.

Whiteheads are primarily found randomly on the nose creases, chin, and cheeks, while Malia is in group form on the eyelids, chin, and cheeks.

The reason for whitehead formation is hormonal changes and improper skin care, while Milia’s is caused by sweat and protein trapping with resistant skin creams.

Whiteheads can be treated with proper skin care, unclogging pores, and some medicines, while Milia can disappear in a few weeks by itself.

Final Summary

Overall, we have discussed what is Milia and others?. Well, milia is a common disease with different types and natures in newborns, children, and adults. Often, this problem goes with time, but in severe cases, treatment is required. We can prevent our skin from Milia by taking some little care.

Shabbir Ahmad is a highly accomplished and renowned professional blogger, writer, and SEO expert who has made a name for himself in the digital marketing industry. He has been offering clients from all over the world exceptional services as the founder of Dive in SEO for more than five years.

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