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How Augmented Reality Tool Dominates the Manufacturing Industry



Augmented Reality Tool

The trend which gave birth to augmented reality app development is Pokemon Go. As augmented reality can create digital objects in one’s surroundings, several digital gateways opened up in several industries. With object visualization, touch control could be added here to make the experience more interactive.

A few years back, augmented reality in the manufacturing sector was a fantasy. Nobody thought a game concept could open up different realities. Augmented reality and virtual reality technology’s potential is unlimited in the manufacturing industry; limited is our thinking and creativity. Manufacturing plant floors are already availing the augmented reality power to create the innovative wave. The aim for producing products efficiently and reduce downtime can get accomplished with AR. It can promptly find issues while not affecting the ongoing process.

Many changes and issues would be tackled with this immersive technology. Identifying the risk in the workplace and view the digital finished product form of an unfinished product. Manufacturers and industrialists can utilize it to display the digital product version, content, overlaying text, workers’ detail, task information, equipment temperature, and lots of other things. Employees will know what is happening around them. They can learn the workers’ location, machine breakdown, or factory’s restricted area.

Logistic workers with augmented reality can monitor a system connection to identify where the product is. They can scan the relevant details with the AR mechanism for order circulation. With that, an employee will gain the information to ensure proper delivery at the exact location.

What Augmented Reality has to offer?

AR is the visual-based technological advancement to project 3D objects in the real-world in real-time. You can say that you can bring any 3D item into life in your surroundings, carrying enough information. The benefit of it is user get a piece of specific and precise information through the digital sources in real-time and can apply the received data in his surrounding in real-time accordingly. Check out to learn more about AR/VR and how it evolved.

Compared to virtual reality, augmented reality is ahead in the league. Virtual reality technology is semi-immersive, meaning that it creates a whole new computer-generated environment for the user to interact with.

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In contrast, AR technology operates on a different level.It communicates and interacts with real-world dynamics and identifies points to interact and augment objects. Instagram is one of the standard and trending examples of beautifying your facial features and applying stickers on your face in AR filter forms.

The immersive AR technology is one of the core foundations of industry 4.0 evolution (Fourth industrial revolution). The concept is basing on automating and innovating the traditional work. It is about to bring innovative practices for the manufacturing sector by adopting smart and intelligent systems and technologies.

How is Augmented Reality Impactful to Manufacturing?

AR wearable technology enhances the recruits’ and engineers’ training. Also, experienced engineers can experiment with their research and new idea by introducing a digital form of it—for example, an automobile company Ford, who uses AR to manufacture prototypes and designs.

It is significantly helpful as it saves the physical resources, portrays the new idea, and passes out the knowledge to the audience and the young generation.

The way to engage peoples with this method solidifies the knowledge and concept. The captured knowledge never gets lost and leads to advancement.

Another benefit is to use AR to identify and resolve the issue with machinery equipment. Equipped with AR gear, an engineer can manage pictures and information to examine the equipment and its parts. The problem diagnosing speed in a machine can relatively become much faster than the traditional approach. Holographic video call is also significant in such scenarios.

Apart from technology and advance systems, the safety of an engineer also become increases and enhances. He can see location markers from the device’s eye to take steps with caution.

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Minimizes Downtime in Production

Commonly, the manufacturing sector faces downtime in production often because of faults in machines. For big multinational industries, a few minutes of production downtime can cost thousands of dollars. However, augmented reality can solve this problem very effectively. It will identify the current machine state and will determine the issue even before of its occurring.

Mobile or devices with AR application will lead the team to check faults ahead and plan the next step accordingly.

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Perform Improved Quality Insurance (QA)

Catching small details in the product to handle costs that pile up and shape into an extravagant product is the cost of quality or COQ in a short version. For any COQ expert, maintaining a price and match it with the production quality is necessary. With the utilization of augmented reality applications, things become easy to handle.

A QA team can effectively perform cost prevention, failure costs, appraisal costs, and other internal costs. It helps them to see what a normal eye cannot. The expansion of COQ operations with AR can significantly bring the message resonance by showing the area where more attention is required.AR with artificial intelligence would target the high profiting areas to focus on manufacturing, not only limited to highlighting improvements areas and identifying quality issues.

AR is associated with the big names at this moment, but small and medium-sized industries will adopt this as the development of AR apps will come to the mainstream. In the coming few years, we can expect to see more industries with AR-enabled workforce. The fourth industrial revolution is not far now; how and when enterprises adopt it matters most.

Factory Floor with AR Hardware

The concept of industrial AR gear is to visualize the manufacturing plants with digital information and stream visuals to assist the troubleshoot of systems and monitor the process. A company called RealWear has brought AR gear in the market, which incorporates the glasses fixed with a helmet. It looks like the upgraded and modern version of classic Google Glass.

Managing Inventory

The rise of data science and business intelligence has made the complex inventory management process less complicated. Thanks to AI and machine learning algorithms, which are making our system and us intelligent beings.

When AR steps in, it reduces the hardships further and ignites the process. Holding the electronic device like a tablet over the items, a warehouse manager or worker can gain the item’s precise location, position, and other relevant details. There will be no necessity to rely on guesses and intuitions while using an innovative system. Anyone who has visited a warehouse can tell how difficult it is to manage the quantity and items there manually.

Assemble the Machine in a Simple Manner

There are thousands of small and tiny components in a technical product. For assembling anelectrical appliance or any vehicle, numerous sheets come into use. Reviewing them up and down becomes very difficult while working. For solving the issue, an AR-based solution is the best resort. Setting up the environment with assembling instruction in the same space and controlling it with voice commands makes the work easy to handle and provides efficiency. An application named MiRA, implemented by Airbus, helps produce a 3D Aircraft model and monitor hydraulic equipment integrity.

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Better Time-to-Market

For gaining an advantage in this competitive world, businesses need agility in their process. Virtual and augmented reality unfolding can reduce and cut down the intermediary production process. An example could be forwarding the new item into production quickly after creating its digital prototype.

It also becomes responsible for minimizing the training time and expertise demand and increase the time-to-market.

Quick Support

AR industries have a vital role in building intelligent and quick support systems for manufacturing industries. In the old days, a physical entity’s presence was a must on a site to offer the best possible solution. But now AR is here, allowing telecommuting.

A technical expert can visualize the manufacturer’s perspective in real-time without being there physically from any part of the world. As physical movement does not require with this technology, traveling expense and commute expenditures get vanished. Problems fix from the comfort zones without moving. An expert instructs and guides the on-duty engineer to solve the particular issue in a machine.

Additionally, the support system bridges the industry’s skill gap, enabling it to gain the off-site engineer or technical expert’s solution.

Efficient and Effective Training of New Hires

Provide training to new hires is not an easy job to do. It needs dedicated resources and time to train them as per the job requirement. New employees are usually not aware of the protocols and rules that an organization follows, which sometimes results in an irreversible incident. AR can help organizations train recruits effectively, guide them in real-time, and maintain production standards.

Maximized Security

With numerous benefits to the manufacturing process, AR technology brings high security with itself. It identifies and rectifies the errors, forward report to employees on the spot, resulting in reducing on-site incident numbers.

Final Verdict

Augmented reality is not an attraction now; it is an intelligent action to adapt and perform. Things with AR look technical but are highly responsible for making the manufacturing industry an intelligent and interactive place to work. When the workplace becomes an intellectual place, it reflects quality output. Production becomes swift, and processes become robust.

Lastly, if your manufacturing firm plans to become innovative, you may consider Cubixto remix the industrial world with the digital world.

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Shabbir Ahmad is a highly accomplished and renowned professional blogger, writer, and SEO expert who has made a name for himself in the digital marketing industry. He has been offering clients from all over the world exceptional services as the founder of Dive in SEO for more than five years.

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