Best Ways To Consume Weed Without Tobacco

Mixing weed with tobacco is very common in a lot of countries in Europe but isn’t as common in the USA. If you do not smoke tobacco at all, then you may want to smoke pure cannabis and there are many benefits to doing this.
You Will Be Able To Enjoy The Taste Of Pure Cannabis
The smell and the taste of cannabis are two of the most important aspects of the cannabis experience. The smell and taste of cannabis can tell a lot about the quality of the weed. When you smoke weed without tobacco you will get to enjoy the full experience without the interference of any other plant such as tobacco.
Less Chance of Addiction
Tobacco is a lot more addictive than cannabis, however mixing weed and tobacco together has a higher risk of dependency. This addiction could stem from the tobacco in the joint and the dependency will be on the joint as a whole. If you smoke pure cannabis this will reduce the likelihood of developing a dependency.
A Pure Cannabis High
If you love cannabis we can almost guarantee that you will want the pure effects of cannabis. The experience of having pure weed is different from mixed. The high itself is much clearer when smoked purely. A pure cannabis high will give you a clear-headed high which is usually preferable to the sometimes too intense high that can happen when mixing cannabis with tobacco.
Using Cannabis Without Smoking It
Whether you are mixing or not inhaling any burning material is a risk factor to your lungs. Your lungs breathe in the air so that oxygenated blood can circulate around your body. The best thing about cannabis can be inhaled without having to burn it, reducing the negative effects on the lungs. Here are the best ways to consume pure cannabis without smoking it:
Vaporising cannabis rather than smoking minimizes the number of harmful toxins that are consumed. Switching to vaping will lower the threat of adverse outcomes immediately on your lungs. There is also a study that suggests that cannabis can reduce respiratory problems which can be caused by smoking cannabis.
Unlike smoking, eating cannabis will not harm your lungs. Edibles do however take longer to kick in because they need to clear your digestive system before they will reach your bloodstream. The upside is the effects do last longer. You also have a huge variety of tastes that you can eat cannabis with. Here are some examples:
- Biscuits
- Cookies
- Brownies
- Chocolate
- Canna Oil
- CannaButter
And lots more…
Edible cannabis appeals to many new users and medical cannabis users as they seem familiar and non-threatening.
This is quite a new way to consume cannabis and they come in a pill or capsule form. They typically contain different levels of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) or CBD (Cannabidiol). They can be swallowed or cut open and applied topically.
Topical creams and lotions that contain levels of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) can be very beneficial for those with eczema or dry skin. It can also promote skin healing in oil if you have breakouts. They usually do not produce the same high feeling that smoking will but the benefits are usually fast as you are adding the cannabis directly to the area.
Want To Try And Grow Your Own Weed?
Autoflowering cannabis seeds are a special type of cannabis that will automatically flower for 3-4 weeks after germination. Autoflowers on average take around 30% less time to grow than traditional cannabis plants, which saves the grower about a month of their time. If you live in a warmer climate you could harvest outdoors up to 4 times a year.
They are extremely popular and make growing and maximizing your yield a lot easier. You can then use your weed for a range of different applications and purposes and consume it in whichever way you wish. The beauty of growing your own weed is that you have the control to do as you wish with it once it has grown.
Related: 5 Medical Benefits Of Cannabis That You Probably Didn’t Know
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