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A Clear & Concise Guideline For Writing A Perfect Postgraduate Coursework



Perfect Postgraduate Coursework

There are two ways you can attain your postgraduate degree in a specific discipline- coursework-based and research-based. Coursework-based postgraduate programs involve the study of a particular set of core units along with a selection of eligible elective units. Research-based programs, on the contrary, require you to carry out your own research project in a specialized field. Students usually opt for the postgraduate qualification by coursework because the courses are short and you can get over with them quickly.

However, the short time frame can often be a challenge if you aren’t aware of the right guidelines. So, here is a complete guide for you to write your postgraduate coursework without any hassle.

  1. Establish a connection between theory and practice

The postgraduate coursework is where you must flaunt your writing, researching, and analytical skills. Your supervisors would want you to put your theoretical knowledge into practice here. You have to show off your ability to implement the right theories and strategies in the real-world as well. Thus, it is important to first establish a connection between theory and practice while working on your coursework.

Here are some significant pointers to help you out:

  • You have to look for patterns and then derive generalizations about how and why things happen the way they do, based on your theoretical knowledge of the topic.
  • These generalizations help us understand what we see in the real world.
  • However, some parts of your theoretical knowledge may not explain real-world actions.
  • That is when you have to provide suggestions for improving the theory so that it leads to the results you are looking for.
  • You may also have to evaluate counter-arguments to prove your point.
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Let’s assume you have been asked to reflect critically on a theory in your coursework. That doesn’t mean you have to find fault with the theory. Rather, you need to show how the theory helps you understand what you are looking at or what the theory helps you to do. Make sure you reflect and revise both theory and practice to enhance the quality of your coursework.

  1. Use appropriate and authentic sources

The quality of your postgraduate coursework depends on the type of literature and sources you use related to your topic. You have to get hold of scholarly publications that throw some light on your topic and your researching skills. The right sources will help you find appropriate information, views, questions, and debates that ultimately make up the published conversation around your topic.

Here are some questions along with their answers related to findings the right sources

  • How to find suitable sources?

Your lecturer may provide you with a list of essential and further readings. Consider these sources central to your coursework or use them as the starting point of your work.

  • How to use the sources in constructing your own answer?

The sources themselves may not provide the answer to your topic or question. So, you have to find out how the sources relate to each other, to your own ideas, and to the question you started with.

  • Should you quote or use your own words?

Usually, lecturers prefer you to discuss ideas rather than writing them in your own words. The original wording conveys an emotion, an attitude, and a way of thinking that makes your work look more authentic.

It’s fine if you decide not to quote all the sources you have used in your coursework. But, make sure you show your readers where you found out the ideas. Cite them in an appropriate format as set by your university. You can also opt for a coursework writing service if you find it confusing to cite your sources initially.

  1. Organize the details coherently

Your coursework writing should be perceived as coherent. Your readers must understand that your writing holds together and all the paragraphs make sense. Different educational cultures have different guidelines for structuring the coursework. In Australia, for example, you have to display vast knowledge about your topic or present only what is needed to address a specific question. In the UK, however, you have to provide lots of background information and current information about your topic.

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Here’s the basic structure of your postgraduate coursework:

Structuring elements Answers the following questions

·       Topic

·       Context

·       Question or problem

·       Thesis

·       Signposting


·       What’s the topic about?

·       What larger discussions does it relate to?

·       What is the central question that governs the rest of your coursework?

·       What do you think is the right answer?

·       How do you intend to show the right answer to your readers?

Main Body

·       Point I

·       Explanation

·       Evidence

·       References

·       What is your first argument related to your thesis statement?

·       What does your argument mean?

·       Why did you opt for this argument?

·       Where did you get your information from?

Main Body (Point II) Same questions as above.
Conclusion How all these details contribute to the thesis statement in your introduction?

Table 1: Deductive structure of coursework

You can prepare a rough draft first and then paste only the headings on a new document to check if your write-up is coherent. You can proceed to the next steps if the headings make perfect sense and none of them seems irrelevant to the topic. Revise your initial drafts unless your work isn’t good enough for final submission.

  1. Steer clear of simple grammatical errors

Professors have little to no patience when it comes to dealing with silly grammatical errors in postgraduate coursework. It can be very distracting to worry about grammar when all you are trying to do is get some brilliant ideas in your coursework. Thus, you can opt for an assignment editing service if you don’t have enough time to focus on your coursework. Given below are the most frequent grammatical and expression errors students make in their coursework. Take a close look at your work to ensure none of these mistakes is still lurking in your work.

The most common errors are:

  • Comma splice– This one occurs when two complete sentences are joined together by a comma.


Wrong– Goons intimidated voters, the election failed.

Right– Goons intimidated voters, so the election failed.

  • Run-on sentence– This one occurs when there isn’t any comma or any punctuation mark between two complete sentences.


Wrong: Don’t worry work hard and achieve the success you so desire.

Right: Don’t worry; work hard, and achieve the success you so desire.

  • Sentence fragment– Fragments are incomplete sentences that do not convey a complete thought.


Wrong: Because the ruling power didn’t hand overpower.

Right: Because the ruling power didn’t hand over power, the election failed.

The grammar checker and spell checker of Microsoft Word can help you eliminate some of the errors to some extent. But, it is better if you don’t rely on these tools completely. Hire an expert or proofread your paper thoroughly before you hand it over to your professors.

Final Thoughts

You are just four steps away from writing perfect academic coursework for your postgraduate degree. At times, working hard and being serious about your Ph.D. degree isn’t enough to fulfill your dreams. You may also need clear and concise guidelines on how to get your postgraduate coursework right amid the academic pressure. It takes a great deal of dedication, hard work, and time to write great coursework. So don’t worry if you can’t make it right in your initial draft. Keep trying unless you achieve success. Good Luck.

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Shabbir Ahmad is a highly accomplished and renowned professional blogger, writer, and SEO expert who has made a name for himself in the digital marketing industry. He has been offering clients from all over the world exceptional services as the founder of Dive in SEO for more than five years.

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