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Interesting Medical Treatments and What They’re For



Interesting Medical Treatments

Medicine is a fascinating and confusing field, and in many ways, we are still learning what works and what doesn’t. The absolute insanity of this field has resulted in some truly strange medical treatments, from coping with mental illnesses to double chin treatment, a handful of which shall be detailed below.



A rotationplasty refers to a surgical procedure in which an ankle is turned into a knee joint. This is an incredibly rare form of reconstructive surgery and is exclusively used to enable the fitting of a more versatile prosthetic leg. This is because a functioning knee joint allows for a prosthesis that can be bent by the user.

What It’s Used For. This procedure is generally performed on children who have malignant bone tumors near their knees, and even then, only when the tumors have not reacted to any other treatments. By removing the area with the tumor and then essentially attaching the ankle where the knee would be, but backward, you are given a working joint while still amputating the cancerous area.

Thickening Food & Water

Products such as Simply Thick Nectar beverage thickener allow any kind of beverage, be it water, soda, juice, or even liquid food, to be thickened. This is primarily useful for those who suffer from dysphagia, which is the medical term for swallowing difficulties.

What It’s Used For. By thickening the liquids that dysphagia sufferers are attempting to swallow, you make it easier for them to properly swallow the liquid and reduce the chance of the thickened beverage being aspirated. Not only does this make it generally easier for sufferers of dysphagia to eat and drink, but it also helps to prevent chest infections and other problems that mar their lives.

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Medical Maggots

Another bizarre treatment is the practice of using “medical-grade maggots” in order to assist in the healing of, particularly slow-healing wounds. The maggots are applied to the surface of a wound and covered, allowing them to secrete an enzyme that digests the dead tissue of the wound. In fact, maggots also digest infected tissue allowing them to counteract certain infections too.

What It’s Used For. Medical maggots have been shown to help speed up healing and reduce the bacterial burden on the body. Because “medical-grade maggots” carry no germs themselves, they very effectively reduce the likelihood of infection within the wound. Plus, maggots only eat dead tissue, allowing your body to focus on healing what can be healed.


Finally, bloodletting. You read that right, the medical process of removing blood from a patient. Nowadays, it is called therapeutic phlebotomy, and it is most commonly used to help treat a genetic disorder called hemochromatosis. Hemochromatosis causes an excess of iron in the body which can be toxic to several organs, including the liver, heart, and pancreas.

What It’s Used For. Therapeutic phlebotomy, when applied correctly, allows a reduction in the amount of iron in the body by literally removing the blood. This can help to alleviate the symptoms of hemochromatosis and protect vulnerable organs. However, it can also cause fatigue and anemia if too much blood is taken.

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Shabbir Ahmad is a highly accomplished and renowned professional blogger, writer, and SEO expert who has made a name for himself in the digital marketing industry. He has been offering clients from all over the world exceptional services as the founder of Dive in SEO for more than five years.

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