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Moving Hacks for a Faster, Easier, and Less Stressful Move



Moving Hacks

While most people believe that moving is the most stressful thing in the world, this isn’t exactly true. Yes, this process probably is one of the most challenging things you’ve ever done in your life, but if you know what you need to do and get organized properly, you can move easily, quickly, and effortlessly. You’ll have to invest some time planning your move first and making sure you’ve covered every aspect of it, and once you do that, you’ll have no problem moving as often as you want. So, if you too are planning to move into a new home, a new town, or a new state, here are a few things that will help you do that easily.



This sounds like the simplest idea in the world, but it’s actually far from that. Decluttering your home and making sure every inch of living space is put to good use doesn’t seem like enough when your family has outgrown your current home, yet you should ignore this idea so easily. If you know what you’re doing and are determined to declutter your home properly, you could be getting more space than you can imagine!

There are lots of ways to complete this process, but one of the best and most efficient tactics is focusing on one room at a time. This will allow you to focus all your energy and attention on one single space and give it all you got. What you need to do is take a long hard look at every possession you have and ask one simple question: “Do I really need this or not?” If the answer is negative, you should throw it away, sell it, or donate it to someone in need. Once you start removing all the things you don’t need, you’ll also start noticing tons of new space emerging in your home, and that’s a sign you’re on the right path.


Once you’ve decided what needs to stay in your home and what has to go, it’s time to collect your energy again and refocus on the first group of possessions. Just because you have fewer things doesn’t mean you have free space – it simply means you have the freedom to introduce new order into your home. Now is the time to be efficient, productive, and practical!

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Again, doing this process room by room is easier and makes more sense than reorganizing several rooms at the same time. What you need to do is introduce a new organizational system in your home, bring in some new shelves and other handy storage solutions, and figure out how to fit as many things into your storage space as possible. After you’re done doing that, your family will have more space to live and breathe, and that’s the point of this entire project.

Pack with a plan

Pack with a plan

Once you declutter your possessions and leave only those you’ll actually need in your new place, it’s time to start packing. However, not all packing projects are the same and if you want to save time, energy, and patience during your move, you need to have the right plan. This goes for packing and unpacking as well, and if you get organized properly, you’ll be saving time on both ends. This is especially important if you own a lot of things and want to make sure you won’t take too much time packing and unpacking.

First, make sure you have enough boxes for all your stuff. There’s nothing more infuriating than being in the middle of packing and finding out you need to get more boxes. So, get enough of them before you start, but don’t forget to make sure they’re all the same size. This will save you time when loading and unloading them, and you’ll be able to maximize your van’s storage capacity to the fullest. Check out the possibility of renting plastic moving boxes with companies that will give you the right amount of boxes depending on the number of rooms you are packing. They’ll be delivered to your home and be picked up once you have moved, making the whole process much easier. Finally, label everything clearly and organize your boxes according to rooms so that everything that goes together is packed together.

Get some help

Get some help

Doing everything on your own is a great way to save money, but moving an entire home isn’t easy to do if you don’t have any help. That’s why asking a couple of your friends to give you a hand is a great idea because they’ll be happy to do that and you won’t have to spend too much money on them. Just get enough pizzas and drinks for everyone, and turn your moving day into a party.

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Alternatively, you could also look into hiring a professional moving company such as Mayflower, that offers a full line of customizable moving services, and is able to help with moves of any size

Your ride is another thing you have to take into consideration. Most people believe they can move their stuff using their private cars and save tons of money, but just imagine all the money you’ll waste on gas. So, instead, get a van and do everything more easily. If you check out the most spacious van hire in Brisbane, for example, you’ll be able to do it on your own and thus still save some money while moving your things safely and effortlessly.

Find the right way

Going from your old home to your new one can be done in a million different ways, no matter how close they are. And just because you’re used to going there in a certain way doesn’t mean it’s the best way to go. This might not mean a lot at first, but during your moving day, everything has to be done perfectly. You need to find the best ways to save time during the moving process.

Most people don’t understand the difference between the quickest and the shortest way from point A to point B, and the former one is something you should insist on. You can do that using Google Maps or other apps that are similar to it, so start looking for the quickest way to get to your new home right now!


This is probably the easiest and most common solution people around the world are opting for, and there’s a good reason for that. Moving into a new home means you’ll be solving all your problems at once instead of wasting energy on creating new space again and again. So, if you want to be effective and find a practical solution for an outgrown home, this is what you need to do.

While most people believe the entire moving process is hard, exhausting, and expensive, it doesn’t really have to be that way. If you make a viable plan and aren’t afraid to put in some work on your own, you could easily take care of the move yourself in a matter of days. Be sure to include every member of your family into the process and encourage your kids to pack their own possessions. This will make them feel important and grown-up, and you’ll be getting some free help as well.

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Less is more

Even though most of us believe that we don’t have too many possessions and keep only those things we absolutely need, this is far from true, and you won’t understand that before you start packing your stuff before you move. Only then will you start discovering tons and tons of unnecessary and unwanted things you haven’t used in a while yet still keep around – for no good reason! That’s why going through these things and figuring out what you do and don’t need should be the first item on your list.

Doing this won’t be easy, no matter how old you are and how many things you possess. After all, we’re sentimental creatures who get attracted to things more than they should, which is why throwing them away is always hard. But, if you don’t want to do that, you can always donate your stuff, sell them, or give them a new purpose in your new home. Decluttering and cleaning before you move is a great project that comes with several different benefits, and it’s an amazing way to start your new life in your new home.


If you’re not a fan of moving and prefer staying in your current neighborhood, there’s another idea you might want to look into – upgrading your home. Building up and out is an amazing solution that will give you tons of new space without forcing you to move to a new location. Again, you can do most of the work on your own, from designing your home addition to actually building it.

Building up is all about adding a new story to your home while building out means turning a part of your exterior space into the interior. Both of these options come with their own pros and cons, so you need to look into them carefully before making a decision. Whichever option you go for, you’ll have more space than before, and that’s just what you’re looking for.

No matter how much experience you have and how many times you’ve already moved in your life, doing this is always hard. But, if you stick to these simple yet effective ideas, you can make it faster and easier, and that’s something all homeowners want!

Also readA Guide to Taking the Stress Out of Travel

Shabbir Ahmad is a highly accomplished and renowned professional blogger, writer, and SEO expert who has made a name for himself in the digital marketing industry. He has been offering clients from all over the world exceptional services as the founder of Dive in SEO for more than five years.

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