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Best Captions for Facebook Profile Display Pictures (DP)



Captions for Facebook Profile Display Pictures

Profile picture is the most important element of Facebook. It can be a classic picture, a photo from your saved pictures, an inspirational picture or just a cool selfie. There are so many applications and tools to take a really good picture on Facebook such as, Snaptu, Picseal, PicMonkey, Fotoanalyze, PicStitch, Picmonkey, etc. These apps and tools are very useful, but sometimes it is very difficult to get that perfect picture that catches people’s eye. The person on the other side of the keyboard can judge the whole picture by looking at just one photo. You need a whole set of Facebook captions for different pictures, so here are the best captions for fb profile pictures:

Table of Contents

1. “Hi! What are you doing right now?”

– If you know someone that’s looking for a serious relationship, use this as your favorite fb caption.

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2. “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”

– This is a great caption for fb for a work or friend profile picture.

3. “Throwback Thursday:”

– Is when Facebook shows the photos of your old profile to the new profile picture. Be careful and upload a picture you have saved somewhere.

4. “I’m on a roll now.”

– Use it for a “Full House” profile picture or for the OMD profile picture.

5. “I’m way too sexy for these pants.”

– This is one of our favorite Facebook captions, it’s a perfect caption to use for profile pictures that will also let people know about your personality.

6. “And now for something completely different:”

– Is a great fb caption for all the profile pictures with weird backgrounds. You can use different combinations of photo editing apps to find one that fits.

7. “Having fun today.”

– This is also a cool way to show that you have a smile on your face.

8. “To a better you.”

– This is a great caption for a portrait picture.

9. “Solving Life’s Problems”

– This is also a great Facebook caption for a friendship or family profile picture.

10. “Late night.”

– Is the caption to use if you don’t want people to be attracted to your profile.

11. “Cheeky.”

– Is a funny caption for a profile picture or business profile picture.

12. “Work hard, play hard”

– Another good one to use for the profile pictures.

13. “Playing hard to get”

– People like a guy that is a mystery. Put Facebook captions like this on your picture and let people have some fun.

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14. “Inspiring by nature”

– For a romantic profile picture use these captions.

15. “Still standing strong.”

– Use these captions for the profile picture of a friend that’s having some hard time.

16. “I feel good.”

– Use it if you feel like smiling.

17. “Let the geekiness begin!”

– Use this fb caption when you’re an entrepreneur.

18. “Uncovering the secrets of the universe.”

– This is a funny caption to use for a profile picture for a scientist.

19. “The best looking behind the computer.”

– Use this captions if you’re a photographer.

20. “Play it cool.”

– Is another great one to use for a profile picture if you don’t want your picture to be too posed.

21. “‘Smooches’?”

– Use this caption if you’re having a good day.

22. “Love on a keyboard?”

– Use this caption if you are a musician.

23. “Caught some frogs on this ride!”

– Use this caption if you like taking a road trip.

24. “Heads up! It’s one smooth dude.”

– Use this caption when you’re getting ready to fight.

25. “Brb. Not here.”

– Use this Facebook captions if you’re hiding something.

26. “Keep your eyes on the prize.”

– Use this caption if you’re into sports.

27. “Hats off to you sir.”

– Use this caption if you’re a teacher.

28. “Hanging with the clowns.”

– Use this caption if you’re a clown.

29. “Crazy costumes and funny accents,”

– Use this caption for fb if you’re a dancer or an actress.

30. “Purple is my favorite color.”

– Use this caption if you’re a fashionista.

31. “Traveling the world.”

– Use this caption if you’re a travel writer.

32. “Too much monkey business”

– Use this caption if you’re into the Japanese culture.

33. “Impressive style.”

– Use this caption if you’re into the red carpet.

34. “My bad (skit)”

– Use this fb caption if you’re into making people laugh.

35. “Guess what I have in common with the monkeys?”

– Use this caption if you’re into the monkeys.

36. “Everything is better with bacon.”

– Use this caption if you’re into the bacon.

37. “Made my mistakes.”

– Use this caption for fb if you’re coming from a bad relationship.

38. “Trying to remember how life was when I was a kid.”

– Use this caption if you’re trying to turn back time.

39. “What happens at Comic-Con, stays at Comic-Con.”

– Use this caption if you’re a fan of comic books.

40. “Building a website and a film crew for little pittance.”

– Use this Facebook caption if you’re trying to go all in on your dream.

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41. “Brought together by the geek gods.”

– Use this captions if you’re working together to create something.

42. “Breaking down barriers.”

– Use this captions if you’re a chef.

43. “Ladies first.”

– Use this captions if you’re a female photographer.

44. “Yeah we’re definitely going to brunch together someday.”

– Use this Facebook captions if you’re into the brunch.

45. “Cosplay = Suppressed Outrage”

– Use this caption if you’re into the cosplay community.

46. “Cosplay = Peace. Love. Hip Hop.”

– Use this caption if you’re a rapper.

47. “Crying all the way to work today.”

– Use this caption if you’re a hopeless romantic.

48. “Looking for my life guide.”

– Use this caption if you’re looking for the meaning of life.

49. “Will you be my girlfriend, witch?!”

– Use this Facebook caption for boys if you’re into the wizarding world.

50. “Did my mood just change by the second?”

– Use this caption if you’re feeling playful.

51. “Gotta take this on the road.”

– Use this caption if you’re on the road to fame.

52. “Wanna make it to the end of the night?”

– Use this fb caption if you’re looking to the end of the night.

53. “Coulda been better.”

– Use this type of Facebook captions if you’re frustrated.

54. “I’m sorry for the delay, I’m on an important business call.”

– Use this caption if you’re into the high profile.

55. “Magic always finds its way back around.”

– Use this caption if you’re into the books.

56. “Is there really nothing better to do in this world?”

– Use this Facebook caption if you’re into video games.

57. “I said life is too short to be serious all the time.”

– Use this caption if you’re a Britney Spears fan.

58. “Magic tricks for real life.”

– Use this caption for fb if you’re into the music.

59. “I’ve never met a superhero I didn’t like.”

– Use this caption if you’re into comic books and movies.

60. “Coding isn’t what it used to be.”

– Use this Facebook caption for boys if you’re into computer science.

61. “Gonna get me some robot food.”

– Use this caption if you’re into foods from the future.

62. “Hair today, gone tomorrow.”

– Use this caption if you’re taking a new hair style.

63. “I’ll be back in a bit, what’s your orders?”

– Use this caption if you’re a chef and have a few clients.

64. “Are we on fire yet?”

– Use this caption for fb if you’re into the fire.

65. “Good things come to those who wait.”

– Use this caption if you’re waiting for something to happen.

66. “Was I supposed to sleep or drink tonight?”

– Use this caption if you’re going to go out.

67. “Friends. Butter. You’ll find the butter.”

– Use this caption if you’re feeling bubbly.

68. “My life has changed the past year. I’m only half joking.”

– Use this caption if you’re thinking of making a change in your life.

69. “I don’t really know anything, but I know you.”

– Use this fb caption if you’re into something from the past.

70. “I get it now. It was the Butterbeer.”

– Use this caption if you’re about to enjoy Butterbeer.

71. “I want to talk, but I can’t get a word in edgewise.”

– Use this caption if you’re wanting to keep the party going.

72. “It’s a great time to be alive.”

– Use this caption if you’re into Harry Potter.

73. “Who knew the Boy Who Lived could make a coffee?”

– Use this Facebook caption if you’re a regular coffee drinker.

74. “This is just one of my ways to cheat on my diet.”

– Use this caption if you’re working out.

75. “Making memories doesn’t mean you’re making them easily.”

– Use this caption if you’re trying to convince someone to do something fun.

76. “Making memories doesn’t mean you’re making them easily.”

– Use this caption if you’re trying to convince someone to do something fun.

77. “You’ll never have to worry about a girl like me.”

– Use these kind of Facebook captions if you’re in a relationship.

78. “I’m ready to play chess!”

– Use this caption if you’re trying to learn chess.

79. “You’ll never find a wizarding world with a mute girl.”

– Use this caption if you’re in the magical world.

80. “Just because I’m a wizard doesn’t mean I have magical powers.”

– Use this caption if you’re working out.

81. “Most wizarding children are too lazy to practice their spells.”

– Use this Facebook caption for boys if you’re and your friends are an all-around nice guys.

82. “This place has that wonderful, curious feeling that makes you want to explore every inch of it.”

– Use this caption if you’re trying to figure out where you’re staying.

83. “I need a way out of this conversation.”

– Use this caption if you’re in the ‘party chat’.

84. “Why do we have to be told every other day that the relationship is on the rocks?”

– Use this caption if you’re dating.

85. “You must have brought your fancy tie here.”

– Use this fb caption if you’re on a business trip.

86. “Do you mind if I borrow your broom?”

– Use this caption if you’re dating.

87. “I wonder where I put those magic carpets.”

– Use this caption if you’re trying to sneak around.

88. “In my home, the front door leads to the party.”

– Use this caption if you’re going to a party.

89. “What’s so magical about lunch?”

– Use this caption for fb if you’re trying to learn about your foodie culture.

  1. “I’ve been making notes in my Weasley Joke Book for second year.”

– Use this caption if you’re learning to be the best at quidditch.

91. “It was in the back of my head all this time, but I didn’t realize it was worth a damn.”

– Use this caption if you’re finding the perfect answer.

92. “Where can I get some of this gingerbread magic?”

– Use this caption if you’re making gingerbread houses for the holidays.

93. “A broom is just a ride around the block for these people.”

– Use this caption if you’re trying to figure out your best Hogwarts option.

94. “Here we go, again.”

– Use this Facebook caption if you’re trying to drink less alcohol.

95. “I’ve been talking about this crazy sandwich for years now.”

– Use this caption if you’re trying to find the perfect combination.

96. “Wizard fans are the ultimate fitness enthusiasts.”

– Use this caption if you’re trying to take your fitness to the next level.

97. “Put this down, my pen has a mind of its own.”

– Use this captions if you’re trying to deal with your anger.

  1. “If you haven’t heard it by now, you probably won’t.”

– Use this caption if you’re trying to not pay attention.

99. “I swear to you, I can fly.”

– Use these amazing Facebook captions if you’re going to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

100. “The magic of this place is hard to describe.”

– Use this caption if you’re in the UK.


100 captions that are perfect to use. These captions will be sure to keep your quotes as fresh as ever, while still catching the eyes of your followers on your social media. If you want to make your quotes stand out, then follow these 100 captions that are perfect to use with Facebook pictures.

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Shabbir Ahmad is a highly accomplished and renowned professional blogger, writer, and SEO expert who has made a name for himself in the digital marketing industry. He has been offering clients from all over the world exceptional services as the founder of Dive in SEO for more than five years.

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