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Social Networks for Business: 3 Important Questions and 5 Important Tips



Social Networks for Business

In order to see clearly the results from social media content publishing, you’ve got to learn the game. Content needs to be of the highest quality, and distribution should be planned to precision so that you’re able to provide excellent content to engage with your target audience in the best way possible.

Here, we’ve come up with a few tips that will certainly propel your influence in social media. Take note of our tech-savvy advice.


Social Media Strategy

If you haven’t given your strategy a great deal of thought, it’s time to focus on the “who”, the “what” and the “why” of your approach. It’s clear that social media marketing can have an enormous impact, so it’s crucial before you even consider putting out another piece of content to focus on the strategy at hand. Diving into the huge sea of social media headfirst without a plan is never a good idea.


Who exactly is your target audience? Pay attention to the interests of your audience and their demographics. You should know what and how to research to have an ideal customer in mind that is coming to you via social media for solutions to their problems. Who is your ideal customer and how are you going to tailor your social media strategy to them? You can’t target everybody, so focus on your ideal customer and work out your strategy based on their interests.


What is the voice of your brand and how will it resonate with your audience? Social media is all about communication, so you need to see that your style of communication matches your brand perception and your audience. If you’re a brand offering mindful eating advice, you’ll want to communicate in a helpful and relaxed tone, whereas you can make good use of bold special offer posting when promoting discount electrical items.


Why are you posting a piece of content or making that all-important tweet? Every piece that you post should ultimately relate to the business goals you have in mind, whether you want to educate the audience, provide a bespoke solution, grow your following, or do something else.


How do you get inspired and develop ideas? It often seems simple but one can suffer from creative block. Clever recycling of your content can help to bring out your ideas quickly. Perhaps, you’ve seen a really engaging infographic from one of your competitors or you’ve produced a great slideshow of the same topic in the past – why not repurpose either of these in the form of a YouTube video? Maybe, you could even make an Instagram post.

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There are numerous ways to recycle content in a clever and professional way. If it’s all too tricky, you could also consider outsourcing some of the creative work to other companies and agents, for instance, getting a custom essay writing service to write texts for your while a design agency works on your visuals. Look carefully at the amount of content that needs to be processed. As it increases, so will the cost of repurposing. So to save money at a certain stage, you should think about hiring the necessary people on staff and not spending on outsourcing.

Scheduling Posts

Knowing when to post is just as important as knowing what to post. As you’re putting together a social media plan, consider when you’re going to post and on what channels. This is likely to be specific to your social media followers and your brand. Perhaps, you’re a coffee company in which case you’ll need to post your vouchers via social media in the morning, or perhaps, your following comes from a country where their morning is your evening.

Whatever the case may be, automation will help you out significantly here, so schedule your posting beforehand to make your social game slick. Knowing when to post will take some trial and error, plus some key monitoring to see what works when. Once you’ve got a good idea, then automating the process will help to bring less human error and more organized focus, and will give you one less thing to worry about.

Scheduled posting will be especially important when your company is on one side of the world and the market/audience is on the other. In today’s world, companies from developing countries often work for markets in developed countries, thus increasing the ratio of money spent to money earned in their favor. In such cases, audiences in the U.S. will not appreciate your “good morning” posts if they go out at night, because the posts are tied to the moment when your SMM specialist wakes up somewhere in Croatia.

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Hashtag #Success

To get your content popular with the right audience, you’ll need to step up your hashtag game and kick it into overdrive. Unfortunately, many social media gurus misunderstand hashtags, not making the most of them for marketing purposes, but you can get to know them for three main purposes: branding, keywords, and communication.

Including hashtags that are easily searchable on social media channels allows your content to hit your target audience with ease, whereas branding can help promote your brand and create awareness. Hashtags can also be made to communicate some sort of idea or message in a humorous way or even to communicate certain success stories. With effective use of hashtags, you’ll be able to bring in your audience and help inform them as best as possible for all your marketing needs.

You see a lot of people thinking to list all the hashtags under the sun after their infographic or picture, but this simply won’t work. Simplicity and accuracy are the keys here – you’ll want to research what hashtags are most appropriate for your content streaming, which can easily be done through a search of trending hashtags or careful monitoring of your competitors and influential social media icons. A little effort will go a long way to help boost awareness and reach of your social media content.

Frequent Communication

Your audience wants to turn to you for help, so if you’re not around that often, what will they do? They may head over to someone else. Make sure that you’re attentive to your audience’s comments and queries they post and make use of automated scheduling to bring your content to your audience frequently when they need it most. Creating conversation just through replying to comments can be vitally useful – soon others will be getting involved, replying, and sharing your content. If you want your content to get out there, create a buzz with effective and frequent communication.

Even if you can’t provide support/responses to messages 24/7, think about how you can make interacting with your company as pleasant as possible for the customer. As an example, let’s go back to our SMM specialist from Croatia. So, imagine that your US customer writes you a message on social media asking for help regarding your product. It’s nighttime in Croatia, so no one will respond to the client in person anytime soon. What to do?

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Automated responses can be very helpful in such cases. Prepare a list of the most popular requests and responses and create an auto-reply with a link to that document. Of course, you won’t solve 100% of your requests this way, but this way you at least slightly increase the probability that the client won’t have to wait for hours to get an answer to a rather simple question.


A good rule for social media writing is that you repost and retweet a certain amount of other people’s content. Of course, you won’t want to do this all the time, but your followers will see that you’re interested in other pages and will trust you as their go-to for information, so research what makes people like and re-share content. It can also be important for SEO and growing an influence to repost and retweet from certain highly influential social media players.

Of course, you shouldn’t repost everything – every funny cat, viral video, or trending meme. Your feed should be lively and organic, not spammy but trendy. Ideally, your SMM specialist (whether he or she is from Croatia or not) should be able to adapt relevant entertaining content so that it represents your company in a positive way or – even better – promotes your product/service.

Coming back to the topic of reposts, this result can be achieved through collaborations (both paid and free) with other pages popular among your target audience. In this case, you are guaranteed additional reach, promotion, and variety on your feed page.

To Summarise

By now you should have a good grasp of your strategy, the social media world, and the tips that will make you a major player in the social media game. Take note of all the following tips, the latest social media updates, and be sure to grow your followers from a small base to a large group. Sooner or later you’ll see your following to be vitally important for your business or message, bringing you a lot of opportunities. Don’t be put off by those that have an enormous following either – use them to influence you to succeed as best you can.

Read more: The Expected Future Of Social Media

Shabbir Ahmad is a highly accomplished and renowned professional blogger, writer, and SEO expert who has made a name for himself in the digital marketing industry. He has been offering clients from all over the world exceptional services as the founder of Dive in SEO for more than five years.

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